The role of leadership values in your journey
As leaders, it's not uncommon to feel lost and stuck at times.
It can be challenging to navigate the fine balance between providing direction and micromanaging your team.
How can we go back and find the direction in our leadership whenever we get lost?
It starts with identifying your values.
Your values serve as an internal compass for navigating your life, setting goals, and making decisions.
They are the guiding principles that define who you are and what you stand for as a leader.
When your values align with your leadership goals, you can lead from a place of authenticity, which can inspire and motivate your team.
Have you taken the time to reflect on what values are most important to you as a leader?
It's essential to understand your core principles and beliefs to lead yourself in the right direction and inspire others.

The misconception behind values and leadership
Some people believe that they don't have values or that they don't matter.
However, this is not true.
We all have values, and sometimes, we may have unresourceful values that we need to become aware of to make better decisions.
For instance, valuing distraction, addiction, or money without taking responsibility can hinder our growth and progress.
As leaders, it is crucial to know our values and the values of our organisation.
Values unite the team and provide a sense of purpose and direction.
We need to recognise and acknowledge people who display these values and celebrate them.
Because living in alignment with our values is crucial now more than ever.
The younger generation is more disconnected than ever, and we need to bring the connection back by living and leading with our values.

Exercise: Values elicitation
It's essential to revisit our values continually, especially as we are continually growing and evolving.
It is best to reevaluate them every six months to ensure we are staying true to ourselves.
When you know your values, you will make decisions quickly and change your
mind slowly.
The following questions will help you elicit your leadership values. Write down your answers to the following questions:
What type of leader do you ultimately want to be?
What is the future you want as a leader and what values would you be needing to live out that future?
Based on your current experiences and results, what are your values? What are you currently valuing right now?
Which values are you loving?
What values are you not loving? What is it costing you to have them? What's the gap?
What values would you like to have more of?
Notice if there are any values that are doubled up by closely linked words and decide which value lands better with you.
Prioritise your values. The order of your values is the order of your priorities. Which value is really the foundation of all the other values? That is number one.
To becoming a successful leader,
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, I can help you develop high-performing and supportive teams, find fulfillment in leadership, and create a healthy work-life balance through executive coaching.
To get started, you can book a FREE 30-minute Leadership Success Discovery Session with me.
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On our call, we dive into actionable strategies to uncover your mindset and leadership gaps and identify your growth opportunities in the next 90 days.
There’s only a limited number of spots, so go check if there are available spaces left 👇